Clinical experts, scientists and experienced managers synergistically cultivate CannaXan.
Our scientific advisory board:

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Walter Zieglgänsberger
Chairman, pain
- Emeritus Professor of Clinical Neuropharmacology at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich
- Leading scientist in pain and addiction research
- Winner of The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1st Class
- 2-time winner of the German Pain Award
- Founding member of various professional associations
- Reviewer and member of the editorial board for numerous international journals, including Reviewing Editor for Science

Prof. Dr. pharm. Rudolf Brenneisen
- Professor Emeritus at the University of Bern for Pharmacy
- 40 years of experience in cannabis pharmacology
- Advisor to the Swiss government for cannabis
- Head of the Swiss Task Force for Cannabinoids in Medicine
- Head of the Swiss Committee for Drugs of Abuse Testing
- Secretary General of the Swiss Academy for Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Editor-in-Chief of "Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids"

Prof. Dr. med. Dan Ziegler
Diabetic polyneuropathy
- Deputy Director of the German Diabetes Centre
- Specialist in diabetic neuropathy
- Member of expert committees for developing guidelines for national diabetes societies: DDG: Diabetic Neuropathy and ADA:

Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Lorenzl
Spasticity, palliative care, Parkinson's
- Chief Physician for Neurology at Agatharied Hospital (LMU Munich)
- Professor of Palliative Medicine at Paracelsus University, Salzburg
- Focus's TOP Medic for Parkinson's
- Author of over 100 scientific publications
- Over 200 scientific lectures given in the past 5 years
- Member of several professional associations
- Together with Prof. Rolke, Head of the Palliative Medicine Working Group of the German Society for Neurology

Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Müller-Vahl
- Senior Physician for Neurology at the Hannover Medical School
- Head of the Tourette's Group at the Hannover Medical School
- Long-time expert in the treatment of Tourette's with cannabis

Prof. Dr. med. Borwin Bandelow
Anxiety disorder
- Professor Emeritus for Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Göttingen
- Author of numerous publications and books
- Focus's TOP Doctor for anxiety disorders in 2019
- Founder and Honorary Chairman of Gesellschaft für Angstforschung e.V. (Society for Anxiety Research)
- Named by Cicero magazine as one of the most important German-speaking intellectuals

Retired State Pharmaceutical Director, Hartmut
- Longstanding Head of the Central Pharmacy of the LWL Klinik, Dortmund
- Longstanding Technical Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Commission of the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL)
- Extensive experience in pharmacological work
- Numerous publications, lectures, and author of 8 specialist books
- Longstanding Lecturer for Specialist Further Training in psychiatry, geriatric pharmacy
- Advanced pharmacological training for doctors, pharmacists, nursing staff
- Performs clinical ward rounds to psychiatric facilities nationwide
- Workshop management for "Meet the Expert"
- Expert in differentiated pharmacological clinical questions

Prof. Dr. Beat Lutz
Endocannabinoid system
- Director of the Institute of Physiological Chemistry at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
- World-renowned expert in the endocannabinoid system
- Author of numerous publications, including in Nature, Science and Neuroscience
- Chair of the Gordon Conference "Cannabinoid Functions in the CN: 2011"
- Chairman of DFG research area FOR926 (together with Prof. A. Zimmer, Bonn): 2008–2014

PD Dr. Carsten Wotjak
Anxiety disorder, endocannabinoid system
- Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Stress, Neurobiology & Neurogenetics
- Expert in anxiety disorder and its pathogenesis
- Expert in the role of the endocannabinoid system in fear and anxiety
- Author of numerous publications in leading international scientific journals

Prof. Dr. med. Kai G. Kahl
Anxiety disorder, mood/affective disorders
- Executive Senior Physician at the Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Hannover Medical School
- Medical Director of the Training Institute for Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural Medicine (AVVM), Supervisor
- Head of the research group "Brain, Heart and Mental Illness"
- Head of the AGNP working group "Polypharmacy"
- Clinical and scientific expertise in mood/affective disorders and personality disorders. Specialisation in borderline disorders

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Kellner
Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Chief Physician of the Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics at the Herford Clinic (teaching hospital of the Ruhr University, Bochum)
- Professor at the University Medical Centre, Hamburg-Eppendorf
- Member of the S3 Guidelines Commission for Anxiety Disorders
- 2011–2019 Top Medic for Anxiety Disorders (Focus list)
- Established the Panic and Anxiety Outpatient Clinic at the MPI in Munich
- Established the first German Federal specialist outpatient clinic for post-traumatic stress disorders in Hamburg
- Author of well over 100 international peer-reviewed publications on panic and anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder; specialisation in psychoneuroendocrinology, psychopharmacology and experimental psychopathology
- Indications: anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression
Manager from CannaXan

Dr. Werner Brand
Management, Head of Clinical Trials
- Founder and Managing Director of CannaXan GmbH
- Active as an entrepreneur since 2007: founder of five pharmaceutical companies (including Apurano Pharmaceuticals GmbH)
- Inventor of five patent families and the PuranoTec manufacturing method
- Many years of experience in management positions in companies in the automotive, process engineering and consulting sectors
- Studied aerospace engineering at the Technical University of Munich & the University of Manchester (UK), Northwestern University (USA), doctorate at the University of Sheffield

Dr. Mathias Schmidt
Head of Quality Management
- Over 30 years of experience as a specialist in various pharmaceutical companies
- Recognised expert in herbal medicine and quality control
- Authority on herbal medicines
- Member of various pharmaceutical companies

Stefan Gähler-Brand
Head of Supply Chain Management
- Four years of experience in operations and quality management in the pharmaceutical industry
- 15 years of experience in supply chain management and quality management in various sectors